Seaward Electronics Adds SE5166 and SE5167 to the LDO Regulator Product Line
Seaward Electronics Adds SE5166 and SE5167 to the LDO Regulator Product Line 11/01/2004 Beijing, China, Nov. 01 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5166 (link to DS), a 500mA LDO regulator for CD/DVD-ROM and CD-RW application, and SE5167 (link to DS), a 500mA LDO regulator for battery-powered devices.Key Features of SE5166: Typical 175mV dropout voltage at 150mA. Low 800mV typical dropout voltage at full load Guaranteed 500mA output over the full operating temperature range Current and thermal limiting No-load stability Standard SOT-23-3L and TO-92 packagesKey Features of SE5167 Typical 175mV dropout voltage at 150mA. Low Ground current at 120uA. Guaranteed 500mA output over the full operating temperature range. Current and thermal limiting. No-load stability. Available in SOT-23-3L and TO-92 Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and Availability Available now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3L, the SE5166 is priced at RMB760 in 1,000-unit quantities. SE5167, available in 3-lead SOT-23-3L, is price at RMB980 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/lvr.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2004.10.01阅读详情 >> -
我司IC绿色通道贷款申请成功,并获得中关村管委会的保费利息补贴文/王建爱 2004年10月8日 经过近半年的努力,我公司终于申请到继“留学人员绿色通道贴息贷款”之后的第二笔绿色通道贴息贷款——“IC绿色通道贴息贷款”。上述绿色通道贴息贷款,均是中关村管委会出台的一系列扶植中关村科技园区诚信企业多方融资的优惠政策,其申请前题是企业信誉良好,且必须是信用促进会的成员。 2004年6月24日,通过中关村科技担保有限公司提供的担保,我公司申请到北京市商业银行上地支行的200万元“IC绿色通道贷款”贷款,中关村管委会提供贷款利息50%和1%担保费的政策性补贴。2004年10月,我公司已经收到,首批2万元的担保费补贴。未来我公司将密切联系政府,做一家诚实守信的好企业,朝着更高的目标迈进!发布于:2004.10.08阅读详情 >> -
友谊对抗赛文/裴石鹰 2004年10月8日 我公司于10月8日与我们的合作伙伴北京半导体器件研究所,举办了一场友谊对抗赛。对抗赛的内容为:1)羽毛球比赛2)乒乓球比赛 3)饭桌食量比赛。 比赛从下午18:30开始,北京半导体器件研究所派出包括刘所长,王主任,姚主任等10名队员。我公司的队员包括裴石鹰,常征,张盟,支晓玲,佟宇,徐向伟等。比赛场面热烈,羽毛球比赛我公司略占上风,而乒乓球比赛北京半导体器件研究所则尽显优势。最后的饭桌食量比赛,高潮迭起,就连平时不苟言笑的刘所长也风采飘扬,妙语带动气氛,酒量,饭量与时俱进,双方以平手告终,并约定,今后每个季度至少联欢一次,竞赛内容不仅局限于球类,双方要开动思路,找出全民健身的方案,让双方的合作,身体,状态都达到新水平。 下次比赛初步确定的内容为:保龄球,游泳。发布于:2004.10.08阅读详情 >> -
我公司与比亚迪等多家知名企业进行合作文/裴石鹰 2004年9月20日 随着公司的不断的发展壮大,越来越多的大型公司成为我公司的用户,如深圳富光辉电子公司,深圳比亚迪公司,深圳兴旺达公司等。其中深圳比亚迪公司是国际上锂电池生产的头号大公司。他们在对世界上十几种品牌的432(1.24V基准电压参考源)进行的认真严格的挑选,测试,烤机以及各项试验,最终确定我公司设计的SE432 IC 的品质,确定作为他们公司的首选IC。对SE432的认可,也带动了其他使用432的OEM厂。据比亚迪公司介绍,SE432在预热后大电流充电时,电流可以承受100mA的电流,使充电的时间缩短,同时在小电流至1mA以下,甚至50uA绢流时,仍然保持正常的工作状态,使在给锂电池充电时能达到100%充电效果。这种在uA---100mA的电流设计是十分收用户欢迎的,其SE432的工作能力远胜过竞争对手。发布于:2004.09.20阅读详情 >> -
我司得到中关村中小企业中介服务专项资金多次补贴文/王建爱 2004年9月9日2004年4月,中关村企业信用促进会发布了中关村管委会出台的又一项扶植守信企业的新政策——“中关村中小企业中介服务专项资金”。该政策主要为支持中关村科技园区企业快速、规范化发展,鼓励中介服务机构为中关村中小企业提供服务。2004年,我公司的《2004年上半年审计报告》及《信用评估报告》中介服务费支出共计13000元。2004年9月9日,将申请中介服务费补助文件提交信用促进会,当日便得到50%的支持6500元。发布于:2004.09.09阅读详情 >> -
思旺电子成功通过IC设计企业认定 ,现已有7种产品通过IC产品认定
思旺电子成功通过IC设计企业认定现已有7种产品通过IC产品认定文/王建爱 2004年9月7日2000年6月,国务院18号文件出台,大力支持集成电路产业发展。2001年4月,《北京市集成电路设计企业及产品认定管理实施办法》制订并开始实施,同年,“北京市半导体行业协会”作为北京市IC设计企业及产品的政府指定认定机构正式成立。我公司于当年10月,将企业及两个产品的认定材料提交协会。经过专家对文件及公司的现场审查,2002年3月21日,我公司正式成为北京市首批23家通过认定的IC设计企业,同时提交的两个产品也全部通过认定。2002年9月,我公司申请到北京市海淀区国家税务局的正式批复,通过认定的产品正式开始享受3%的增值税即征即退及其它方面的优惠政策。2003年12月23日,我公司又有5个产品通过产品认定,至此我公司已有7个产品通过认定,并全部享受到税收等各方面的优惠政策。2004年9月,我公司提交了最新量产产品的认定材料,已经通过初审,纸质材料已提交,正在复审过程中。发布于:2004.09.07阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Ships SE6651 for Use in Tape Recorder and Player
Seaward Electronics Ships SE6651 for Use in Tape Recorder and Player 08/01/2004 Beijing, China, Aug. 01 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced the mass-production of SE6651 (link to DS), a linear circuit providing speed control for compact DC motors. SE6651 aims at use in tape recorders/players and toys with motors. Key Features of SE6651: Small four-lead plastic package for compact motor. Fewer external parts. Stable low reference voltage (1.0V typical), wide motor speed setting. Highly stable operation over a wide range of supply voltage and torque supply voltage, VCC = 3.5V – 14.4V. Built-in reverse voltage protection.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in TO-126B, the SE6651 is priced at RMB980 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .发布于:2004.08.01阅读详情 >> -
我公司成功获得商务局出口补助文/王建爱 2004年7月2日 2004年年初,得知政府对企业出口进行补助,急上网查询办理方式。申请补助文件于2004年1月30日提交市商务局计财处,7月2日出口补助资金1924元汇到公司帐户。发布于:2004.07.02阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Adds SE432L to the Voltage Reference Product Line
Seaward Electronics Adds SE432L to the Voltage Reference Product Line 07/01/2004 Beijing, China, Jul. 01 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated, renowned for its excellent voltage reference product line, today announced the mass-production of SE432L (link to DS), an adjustable precision shunt regulator at 1.24V. Key Features of SE432L: Low voltage operation (1.24V) Adjustable output voltage V0 =VREF to 8V Wide operating current range 60A to 100mA Low dynamic output impedance 0.30Ω (Typ.) Trimmed bandgap design up to + 0.5%. ESD rating is 2.5KV(Per MIL-STD-883D)About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3, the SE432L is priced at RMB980 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/download.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2004.07.01阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces SE8117 – 1A Positive Voltage Regulator
Seaward Electronics Introduces SE8117 – 1A Positive Voltage Regulator04/01/2004Beijing, China, Apr. 01 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated introduced SE8117 (link to DS), a 1A positive voltage regulator with pin-to-pin compatibility with LM117. Key Features of SE8117: Low Dropout Performance. Guaranteed 1A Output Current. Wide Input Supply Voltage Range. Over-temperature and Over-current Protection. Fixed or Adjustable Output Voltage. Rugged 3KV ESD withstand capability. Available in SOT-223 Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management ProductsSeaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-223, the SE8117 is priced at RMB980 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/lvr.htmAbout Seaward ElectronicsSeaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2004.04.01阅读详情 >>