思旺推出应用在MP3上的1.5v参考电压源 2006年5月30日,思旺今天推出SE5170,一款专门为MP3设计的精密参考电压源. SE5170在1.6V到5V的输入电压范围内一直保持很好的线性调整度, 适合MP3这种需要精确的电压参考的应用. SE5170是为在低电流和低电压条件下工作设计的精确参考电压源. SE5170可以从低至1.6V的电源电压开始工作,并消耗低至8mA的电流.温度稳定性平均在50ppm/℃. 它适合应用在如MP3、MPEG4这种要求与环境温度无关的恒定参考电压的应用中. 此外,SE5170旨在不存在Cin和Cout的条件下稳定工作. 然而,建议把Cin和Cout包括进系统设计中,因为这将提高PSRR.SE5170采用SOT23-3的小封装形式。SE5170的主要特点: ●最低输入电压1.6V ●对地电流8mA(典型值) ●在整个工作温度范围内保证5mA的输出电流. ●极低的温度漂移50ppm/℃. ●无需Cin和Cout稳定工作. ●标准SOT-23-3L封装包装、定价和供应 思旺的SE5170采用3脚SOT23封装形式,以1,000片为单位批量购买,每片起价为1.0元人民币.关于思旺电子公司 思旺电子,是一个年轻而充满活力的专门从事纯模拟电路和数模混合集成电路设计的高新技术企业,设计电源管理器件的各种应用. 思旺的尖端产品应用于无线局域网和手机、数码相机、手机、充电器、电脑、、MPEG4、MP3、便携DVD、闪存器件. 思旺的产品在美国硅谷和中国北京设计. 在台北(台湾)、北京(中国)、深圳(中国)、上海(中国)、旧金山(美国)设有销售办公室发布于:2006.05.30阅读详情 >> -
思旺用于便携式应用的双通道LDO 2006年5月30日,思旺今天推出SE5221、双通道应用在空间有限并且期望低成本方案的便携式产品中. 包括手机、MPEG4、蓝牙耳机、数码相机和WLAN. 许多便携式应用需要两个不同的电压,一个用于核心供电,一般在1.5v或1.8v,另一个用于外围接口,通常在2.8V或3.3V. 大部分PCB版图中,这两个电压彼此非常接近. SE5221为这些应用提供了理想的方案. SE5221是双通道LDO,可为每通道提供200mA的电流. SE5221设计有特殊的内部带隙参考,可以提供高于60dB的PSRR,所以不需要外部旁路. 在大多数便携式应用中,使对地电流最小化以便尽可能的延长电池寿命. 在两个LDO同时打开时,SE5221在轻负载状态下典型地消耗36mA.每个通道可单独关闭,以进一步延长电池寿命. 其他特征包括过电流保护,过温度保护.SE5221采用SOT23-6的小封装形式。 SE5221的主要特点: ●典型压差330mV@200mA ●输出电流达200mA(每个通道) ●对地电流36mA(典型值) ●双关断脚控制每个输出 ●限流和热保护 ●SOT-23-6L封装两个LDO 包装、定价和供应 思旺的SE5221采用6脚SOT23封装形式,以1,000片为单位批量购买,每片起价为2.0元人民币. 关于思旺电子公司 思旺电子,是一个年轻而充满活力的专门从事纯模拟电路和数模混合集成电路设计的高新技术企业,设计电源管理器件的各种应用. 思旺的尖端产品应用于无线局域网和手机、数码相机、手机、充电器、电脑、、MPEG4、MP3、便携DVD、闪存器件. 思旺的产品在美国硅谷和中国北京设计. 在台北(台湾)、北京(中国)、深圳(中国)、上海(中国)、旧金山(美国)设有销售办公室发布于:2006.05.30阅读详情 >> -
思旺推出用于数码相机和手机的串联LED驱动 2006年5月21日,思旺今天推出SE3506、高效的白光LED驱动,用于手机、数码相机、便携式DVD、MPEG4和其它类似应用的背光. SE3506是一款特别为恒流驱动白光LED设计的升压DC/DC转换器. 该器件可以用一节锂电池驱动二个、三个、四个、五个和六个串联的LED. 采用LED串联连接的方法可以提供相同的电流,从而获得均匀的亮度并无需镇流电阻器.SE3506的开关频率为1MHz,因而允许采用小巧的外部组件。由于可使用数值仅为1µF 的输出电容器,因此,与其它的解决方案相比,在占用空间和成本上均有所节省。95mV 的低反馈电压最大限度地降低了电流调节电阻器的功耗,从而提高了效率。EN脚可被用来控制SE3506或开关LED。 此外,EN脚可以用来控制LED的亮度,无需改变PCB上的任何元件. 不同占空比的频率可以发给EN脚,以便控制LED持续工作的时间. LED开通的时间越长越明亮,关断的时间越长越暗淡. SE3506的输入电压可取从低至2.0V到高达5.0V. 这涵盖了各类锂电池的整个寿命, 锂电池一般刚充完电时是4.2V,并在其关断以前降至约2.7V. SE3506典型地具有仅100mA的电源电流. 这比典型的同类LED驱动小10倍到20倍.这为用电池供电且其中低功耗占重要位置的便携式应用提供了最大化的能量节约. SE3506有内置的过热保护(OTP). 当温度达150℃时,集成电路将进入关闭模式,提供适当的保护. 这保证了SE3506和使用SE3506的产品不会受损. 此外,SE3506内置过电流保护(OCP). 以防意外短路或负载过重. 在某些情况下,如意外短路,过电流和过热保护将一起工作, 为集成电路和产品提供最佳的保护. SE9016可与SE3506 (白光LED驱动)和SE5221 (双通道LDO) 配合在手机上应用. 他们为同时配备有锂电池和液晶显示器的便携式应用提供一个通用的芯片组解决方案。.SE3506采用SOT-23-5L的小封装形式SE3506的主要特点: ●电压范围:2.0V-5.0V.●固有匹配的LED电流. ●高效率:85%(典型值). ●可由一个3.0V电源驱动多达四个LED. ●可由一个3.6V电源驱动多达六个LED. ●快速1MHz开关频率. ●最大输出电压达到35V. ●采用高度仅1mm的纤巧型感应器. ●只需1mF的输出电容. ●扁平SOT-23-5L封装. ●电源电流是100mA(典型值). ●输出过流保护. ●热保护. ●2kV以上的ESD保护.●SOT23-5L封装形式 包装、定价和供应 思旺的SE3506采用5脚SOT23封装形式. 关于思旺电子公司 思旺电子,是一个年轻而充满活力的专门从事纯模拟电路和数模混合集成电路设计的高新技术企业,设计电源管理器件的各种应用. 思旺的尖端产品应用于无线局域网和手机、数码相机、手机、充电器、电脑、、MPEG4、MP3、便携DVD、闪存器件. 思旺的产品在美国硅谷和中国北京设计. 在台北(台湾)、北京(中国)、深圳(中国)、上海(中国)、旧金山(美国)设有销售办公室发布于:2005.05.21阅读详情 >> -
诚信经营,思旺电子再获殊荣公司被评为信用促进会2005年度“优秀会员,瞪羚一星会员” 2006年5月19日,在翠宫饭店三层大宴会厅,“2006年度‘瞪羚计划’宣介会暨2005年度中关村企业信用促进会表彰大会”隆重召开。本次大会旨在宣传中关村科技园区“瞪羚计划”政策,鼓励和表彰一批园区优秀的诚信企业及代表,促进园区信用体系建设。会上中关村管委会的领导,介绍了“瞪羚计划”历年来的执行情况,并展望了2006年的奋斗目标。 本次大会热烈表彰了,中关村企业信用促进会2005年度的诚信企业:“优秀会员与星级会员”。经过严格的五级评定,我司有幸被评为“2005年度优秀会员”。此外,由于我司2005年度的出色经营业绩,又被评为优秀会员中的“瞪羚一星会员”。这是继2004年度“星级会员”之后,我司再次获得中关村企业信用促进会的表彰,公司的诚信经营理念,良好经营业绩,再次得到外界的认可!发布于:2006.05.19阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current LDO for MP3 and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current LDO for MP3 and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications 09/25/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 25 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5169 , a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 300mA LDO regulator for Portable Ppplications.Key Features of SE5169: Excellent Noise Rejection at 60 dB. Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 60mA. Max Output Current up to 300mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 20μA Over-Current and Thermal Protection. Standard SOT-23-3L and SOT323-3L Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT23-3L Package, the SE5169 is priced at RMB 1300 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2005.09.25阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current, 600mA LDO for Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Ground Current, 600mA LDO for Portable Applications 09/15/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 15 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5121 , a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 600mA LDO regulator for Portable Ppplications.Key Features of SE5121: Excellent Noise Rejection at 60 dB. Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 100mA. Max Output Current up to 600mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 25μA Over-Current and Thermal Protection. Standard SOT-89-3LPackage.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT89, the SE5121 is priced at RMB1800 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2005.09.15阅读详情 >> -
思旺电子成功完成第三次绿通贷款 文/王建爱 2005年9月8日 2005年6月24日,我司如期偿还200万元IC绿通贷款。8月24日,新一笔300万元IC绿通贴息贷款到帐。至此,我司第三次享受到中关村管委会的贷款贴息支持,这将帮助我司增加产量,以满足日益增长的客户需求。截止2005年7月底,我司的销售增长率131%,出口增长率221%,成为中关村地区快速增长的“瞪羚企业”。发布于:2005.09.08阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO for Wireless and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications
Seaward Electronics Introduces Low Noise LDO for Wireless and MPEG4 and Other Portable Applications 09/01/2005 Beijing, China, Sept. 1 -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE5509, a Low Noise, Low Ground Current, and Low Dropout 300mA LDO regulator for wireless and MPEG4 and other Portable applications.Key Features of SE5509: Excellent Noise Rejection at 65 dB. Typical Low Dropout Voltage of 200mV at 70mA. Max Output Current up to 300mA. Typical Low Ground Current at 21μA Typical Disable Current Less than 0.1μA Over-Current and Thermal Protection. Standard SOT-23-5L and SOT-323-5L Package.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 5-lead SOT-23-5L, the SE5509 is priced at RMB 2000 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/pa.htm About Seaward Electronics Seaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing(China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei(Taiwan), Beijing(China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai(China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2005.09.01阅读详情 >> -
诚信为本思旺电子2005年度信用评估结果升级文/王建爱 2005年8月30日 2005年8月26日,在一年一度的“中关村企业信用评估”中,我司被联合资信评估有限公司评为ZC2级,公司的信用级别升高了一级。自2003年8月加入信用促进会,我司每年都进行一次信用评估。2003、2004年我司的信用级别为ZC3,2005年公司的迅猛发展及总体运营情况征服了评审组专家,一跃达到了ZC2级。信用级别的提升标志着思旺正逐渐成为客户心中值得信赖的品牌,公司正成为银行可以依赖的客户。我们坚信,通过制造优质产品、创造优秀品牌、树立企业信誉等多方面的努力,思旺会将企业信用提升到更高的级别! 2005年9月,公司顺利通过“中关村企业信用促进会”的年检,并获得2005年度的信用评估费中介服务专项资金支持。发布于:2005.08.30阅读详情 >> -
Seaward Electronics Introduces Line Voltage Monitor and Reset IC
Seaward Electronics Introduces Line Voltage Monitor and Reset IC August-1-2005 Beijing, China, May 1st -- Seaward Electronics Incorporated today announced mass-production of SE809 , a low ground current and high accurate Voltage monitor IC. The IC can be used to monitor the conditions of line voltages, as well as issuing a reset a signal to the whole system when the system is first powered up. It is designed for MP3 and cellphone and ADSL and other similar systems that require line voltage monitoring as well as reset functions.Key Features of SE809:Ø Precision VCC Monitor for 2.8V, 3.0V, 3.3V, and 5.0V SuppliesØ 140msec Guaranteed Minimum RESET Output DurationØ RESET Output Guaranteed to VCC=1.0VØ Low 18μA Supply CurrentØ VCC Transient ImmunityØ Small SOT-23 or TO92 Packages.About Seaward’s Power Management Products Seaward Electronics is one of the leading suppliers of power management IC’s in Asia. Seaward’s innovative power management products include the best-in-class and most cost- efficient voltage reference; wide selection of linear regulator; and switching converters for DC-DC conversion, and lighting management.Packaging, Pricing, and AvailabilityAvailable now in a 3-lead SOT-23-3L or TO92-3L, the SE809 is priced at RMB900 in 1,000-unit quantities.For more information on Seaward’s power management products, visithttp://www.seawardinc.com.cn/download/pa.htm About Seaward ElectronicsSeaward Electronics, a young and energetic startup specialized in analog and mixed signal IC’s, designs power management devices for a variety of applications. Seaward’s key markets include wireless handsets, networking equipments, digital camera, portable multimedia devices (DVD, MP3, MPEG-4), flash storage devices, chargers, PC’s, and laptops. With design centers in Silicon Valley (USA) and Beijing (China), Seaward also has sales offices at Taipei (Taiwan), Beijing (China), Shenzhen (China), Shanghai (China), and Mountain View (USA). Additional company and product information is available at http://www.seawardinc.com/ .NOTE: Seaward Electronics is a registered trademark of Seaward Electronics Incorporated. All other brands or product names are trademarks or register trademarks of their respective holders.发布于:2005.08.01阅读详情 >>